The most common choices

Things you can pay online.

  • Online only

    Full membership of The LBT, including use of all facilities and boats. New members require committee approval, but if we reject you we will give back your money. If you join after Oct 1, you will get a discount in the following year. This is NOT available to re-joining members.

  • Online only

    Family membership of The LBT, including use of all facilities and boats. Family means 2 adults and children, but we are OK with other lifestyles. New members require committee approval, but if we reject you we will give back your money. If you join after Oct 1, you will get a discount in the following year. This is NOT available to re-joining members.

  • Online only

    Restricted membership of The LBT. Does not include on-the-water activities unless part of an event. Available for members living outside of Tasmania, or with physical limitations. New members require committee approval, but if we reject you we will give back your money. If you join after Oct 1, you will get a discount in the following year. This is NOT...

  • Online only

    Restricted membership of The LBT. Includes use of the LBT workshop for LBT projects, but DOES NOT include boat use. New members require committee approval, but if we reject you we will give back your money. If you join after Oct 1, you will get a discount in the following year. This is NOT available to re-joining members.